2025 ClipDrop Cleanup懶人包,推薦清單整理


ClipDrop Cleanup 畫一下就能移除照片中不要的人或物件

2022年12月31日 — ClipDrop Cleanup 畫一下就能移除照片中不要的人或物件,簡單且免費使用 · 照片中出現不相干的人事物嗎?用這工具可輕鬆移除 · ClipDrop Cleanup 畫一下就 ...


Photographers use Cleanup to remove time stamp from pictures before printing them for their customers.With Cleanup, you can clean photographs, removing any ...

Clipdrop Cleanup

Clipdrop Cleanup allows you to remove specific parts of an image by providing a coarse mask which defines the parts to be cleaned-up in the original image.

ClipDrop - Cleanup Pictures

With Cleanup.pictures included, you can remove any object, text, defect, logo or watermark from any picture in your photoroll.